Home » News » The new version of Irmie’s MBTU is available…

The new version of Irmie’s MBTU is available…

As mentioned in our previous post, we have designed and built a new portable trolley version of our Mobile Brake Testing Unit (MBTU).

This new solution has been supplied to one of our customers and successfully tested on both freight wagons and passenger coaches.

This type of MBTU makes it possible to carry out tests on the rolling stock braking system according to a procedure that complies with the UIC543-1 standard and, having the great advantage of of easy transportability and easy positioning by the operator, is suitable for use in environments other than strictly workshop ones, such as, for example, the railway yard.
Stay tuned to keep up to date with our news and, for more information, do not hesitate to schedule a meeting with us by clicking on the following link: Let’s set up a meeting
